29 Jun 2016: Founded in 1972, Cru Singapore (previously known as Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ) desires to see believers built up in the faith, and sent to share with others the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ. As such, music and sound are inevitably one of the key components of its mission works and they are of utmost improtance.
The decision of choosing GECKO® professional audio for Cru Singapore is made after a series of stringent auditions being carried out by Cru Singapore music and sound team members.
The GECKO® C.R.I.S.T.A.L.® Audiophile system for Cru Singapore consist of:
- 1 unit of EXODUS ALPHA MXR 1800 18-channel C.R.I.S.T.A.L.® Audiophile mixing console
- 2 units of REVELATION SR 615RF 15" C.R.I.S.T.A.L.® Audiophile loudspeakers
- 1 unit of GENESIS ELEGANCE AGE 900H 16-tier C.R.I.S.T.A.L.® Audiophile Class-H power amplifier
- 3 units of AYERS ROCK DI 200P dual channel passive C.R.I.S.T.A.L.® Audiophile direct injection boxes
- 1 set of PASSION MP 621W/RP 211U wireless microphones system
- 1 lot of TRUTH T3AL audiophile-grade signal cables
- 1 lot of TRUTH T2 audiophile-grade speaker cables
- 1 lot of OLYMPIAN series audiophile-grade connectors
- 1 set of SEEKER SSC 2840 audiophile-grade snake cable system